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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bessemer House Fire

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

These pictures are from a house fire that Bessemer Fire & Rescue responded to on Bessemer's Northside. A child came out of the bathroom, noticed smoke and woke his family up. Everyone got out of the house safely, thanks to the child who saw the smoke.

Companies responding included:
  • Engine 1
  • Engine 2
  • Engine 5
  • Ladder 1
  • Rescue 1
  • Car 10
  • Car 14
A special thank you to Officer McCarns for sharing these pictures!

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue

Bessemer Fire & Rescue


At 5/02/2009 10:45:00 AM , OpenID fuzzbucket said...

I think this house is directly across 18th atreet on 8th avenue from Bessemer FD Sta. 1. Lotsa damage to be that close to the ststion!

At 5/02/2009 10:46:00 AM , OpenID fuzzbucket said...

Correction: Station

At 5/04/2009 10:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad no one was injured. Good work.

At 5/04/2009 10:38:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like it was probably pretty well involved on arrival...cut em some slack.

At 5/04/2009 12:33:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief dude. What do you think they do? Sit in front of a house until it catches on fire? How about some credit for risking their lives to put it out?

At 5/06/2009 05:45:00 PM , OpenID fuzzbucket said...

I am the Original Poster and contrary to popular belief as stated by others I was not speaking badly of the Response Times of BFD Sta. 1 but rather wondering what incendiary material could have caused the fire to spread so quickly causing so much damage before arrival of BFD. I have worked many years in fire service and do not in any way give any disrespect for my fellow personell as was previously implied. So hold the phone! somebody got the wrong idea.

At 5/07/2009 05:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well the house looks to be real old so when they catch fire it doesn't take long at all for them to become fully involved. alot of the time house like that will become fully involved quicker than a Mobil home which is about 12 mins.

At 5/08/2009 08:42:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry bout that Fuzzbucket. I just know how we in the fire service (myself included) can be so quick to armchair quarterback. I jumped to conclussions....sorry.


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